Antibiotic Resistance: How To Beat It

Use antibiotics only when necessary.
*They do not work on viruses. They only work on bacterial infections. Even then they
should be reserved for more serious infections.
Take the 1st defense and put Young Living Thieves Essential Oil on the bottom of your
and your loved ones feet. Gargle daily with Thieves mouthwash. Stay alkaline by daily
adding Lemon Essential Oil to your water. Diffuse essential oils to keep the air clean
around you.

*Taking an antibiotic unnecessarily will kill off your beneficial gut bacteria. This could
make it more difficult for you to recover from your illness. If you do take a course
of antibiotics, be sure to reseed your gut with healthy bacteria. You can do this by
eating fermented foods and by taking Young Living Life 5, a probiotic. If you are on an
antibiotic, also add this good bacteria specific organism called SACCHAROMYCES
BOULARDII. You will need this!

*As an all-around preventative measure, makes sure your Vit. D is optimized year-
round, especially during pregnancy along with Vit. K2. A number of natural
compounds can also help boost your immune system function to help rid you of
This can include Young Living:
Super C
Oregano Essential Oil
Inner Defense – a supplement with oregano and thieves essential oils
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Thieves Spray
Other helpful immune enhancers are garlic pills and echinacea.
High quality colloidal silver may be a valuable addition to your medicine cabinet,
along with Tea Tree, Oregano, Lavender, Purification Essential Oils to treat cuts and
scrapes instead of antibacterial creams.
Manuka Honey can also be used for topical applications as well as Young Living
Manuka Essential Oil. Clinical trials have found that Manuka Honey can effectively
eradicate more than 250 clinical strains of bacteria, including some resistant
varieties, such as MRSA.

*Avoid antibacterial household products.
Use the Thieves line of cleaning products so not to promote antibiotic resistance.
Properly washing your hands with warm water and Thieves or Lavender foaming
soap, the bath & shower gels, bar soaps will all help to prevent the spread of bacteria.
Be mindful of washing your hands and kitchen surfaces after handling raw meat.
About half of all the meat sold in grocery stores around the U.S. Is likely to be
contaminated with potentially dangerous bacteria.
A must to keep our house clean is Thieves Household cleaner.
The Thieves Fruit and  Veggie Spray will also help with the spread of bacteria.

*Purchase organic, antibiotic free meats and other foods.
Reducing the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a significant reason for
making sure you’re only eating grass-fed organically raised meat and animal
products. Buy your food from responsible, high quality and sustainable sources.
Support small family farms in your area.

Ref. Dr. Mercola 7/9/2016 news letter  how-antibiotic-resistance-spreads

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