Castor Oil Pack to Detoxify

What does it do:
From Dr. Mercola – “When castor oil is absorbed through your skin (according to Cayce and McGarey), your lymphocyte count increases. Increased lymphocytes speed up the removal of toxins from your tissues, which promotes healing.”

What is a castor oil pack good for:
*promotes healing
*reduce inflammation (IBS, Arthritis, Strained Joints or Muscles)
*improve elimination (constipation)
*improve circulation (especially Lymph)
*pain (menstrual, joints, muscles)
*skin related issues

Where to apply:
*the whole abdominal area
*the specific joint or muscle with pain or injury
*lower abdominal area for menstrual issues
*right side of abdomen for liver detox

What is needed:
*Hexane free Castor Oil (Health Food Store, Amazon)
*undyed wool flannel (Health Food Store, Amazon)
*plastic wrap
*old clothes you don’t mind getting stained
*essential oils (optional, but I love to add them in)
*heating pad (optional)

Here’s what I do:
*lay a piece of plastic wrap on the table. Make it long enough to wrap once around your body
*place a piece of wool in the middle length of the plastic wrap (the wool should be large enough to cover the area to be treated)
*coat the piece of wool, thoroughly, with the castor oil (I spread it with my fingers)
*using the essential oil of your choice drop a few drops around the piece of flannel on the area to be treated
*carefully take the flannel and the plastic wrap and put on you abdomen wrapping the plastic wrap all the way around your body
*take the whole roll of plastic wrap and wrap it around your middle a couple of times
*lay down and cover the plastic wrap with a towel
*add the heat of the heating pad
*leave the pack on for 30-60 minutes
*remove and shower
*as with any detox, drinking lots of water to flush the toxins out of the body is extremely important. Add a drop of Citrus, Peppermint, or Spearmint Essential Oils to your water.

Some Essential Oils I use:
*Frankincense – for everything and anything
*DiGize – tummy troubles
*Copaiba – inflammation
*Lavender – calming
*Aroma Siez – muscle tension
*Clary Sage – menstrual problems
*Helichrysum – liver ailments, lymph drainage and scar tissue
*Peace and Calming – insomnia, may help cleanse liver and calm lymphatic system

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