Sweetening The Low Glycemic Way


Glycemic index is a measurement of glucose in a particular food that is released over a two to three hour period. Foods low on on the GI scale release glucose slowly and steady so to prevent a sudden spike in blood sugar. Only foods that contain carbs cause this spike; protein and fats do not. Protein and fats are considered to have a zero glycemic index.
Another way to reduce the glycemic index of sweet recipes is to use almond flour, a protein, to help keep a more level blood sugar level.
All sweeteners should be eaten in moderation because of the increased risk of weight gain, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancers.

Low Glycemic Sweeteners

Stevia – 0 Glycemic index
This is an herb 300 times sweeter than sugar. Having a slight aftertaste I always mix it with other sweeteners.

Yacon – 1 Glycemic index
This is from the Yacon plant. This complex sugar is broken down slowly and is considered a prebiotic for gut health. This reminds me of a lighter molasses. Has a date-prune taste. I like mixing this with stevia for a very low glycemic recipe.

Agave – 15 Glycemic index
Agave is from a cactus plant. It is lighter than honey, but similar in taste. A good brand is Madhava raw organic agave.

Brown Rice Syrup – 25 Glycemicu index
Made from boiled brown rice. Thick and light colored like honey. It is pretty sweet.

Lucuma – 25 Glycemic index
Made from the lacuna fruit. Tastes a bit like maple syrup.

Raw Honey – 30 Glycemic index
Being sweeter than sugar you can use less.

Coconut Palm Sugar – 35 Glycemic index
This evaporated sap is from the coconut tree and tastes slightly like brown sugar with similar texture.

Date Sugar – 68 Glycemic index
Made from dehydrated dates, retaining the nutritional benefits of dates. Not being processed or refined it is considered a healthier option. I love to make my own date paste out of fresh dates. This is guaranteed to blend well in a recipe.

In most of my recipes I combine the higher glycemic sweeteners with stevia. This  mimics a more sugary taste and helps keep costs down with some of the other sweeteners being more costly.

Another way to pack a recipe full of flavor is using Young Living Essential Oils.
Using the essential oils gives such an intense flavor less sweetener can be used.
I love to use Lemon, Lime, Orange, Tangerine, Citrus Fresh, Grapefruit, Cinnamon Bark, Nutmeg, Clove, Cardamon, Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint, Spearmint, Rosemary in all my sweet baking recipes. It makes a flavor that will not be duplicated with extracts. Only a few drops is needed in most recipes.

Keep an eye out on www.sanodivita.com for some new sweet treats using brown rice syrup and Lucuma powder.

Ref.: Sugar and sweetener guide
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